
Showing posts from March, 2022

March 30-31, 2022- Marsh Harbour

March 30,  2022 7:00am-  Relaxed with Coffee and had breakfast  8:00am- Anchors are up as we were leaving Lynard Cay and heading to Marsh Harbour. Unfortunately there are no moorings at Man O War.  We have been texting Chuck and Margi, who are already on one of the moorings, from SV Twin V and they will be keeping an eye opened for us.  We met them 6 years ago on our first adventure.  10:00am-  We can see the Hope Town lighthouse from a distance. We will be going there at a later date.  10:10am- Can’t believe we already have to start making arrangements for our boat and equipment to be hauled and stored.  We called the marina and the storage unit in Fort Pierce to ensure they know we are coming back first week of May.  As we sail along Boat Harbour marina, we noticed so much new construction since we were last here. It is nice to see after Dorian how they managed to rebuild.  1:00pm- Went to shore to walk around and do some groceries. One great thing about Marsh Harbour is they have a

March 29, 2022- Abacos

March 29, 2022- Lynard Cay in the Abacos  6/00an- Got up to see the orange crescent moon set. Wish I could capture it on a photo.  6:50am- I heard the anchor going up when I was down below. Captain must be anxious to get a head start. I can see at least 3 boats ahead of us  and 3 behind us. Many are aiming for Little Harbour which is 49 miles run.  What a gorgeous sunrise.  7:45am-  Looks like a convoy of boat. At least 6 boats  are behind us & 5 ahead.  Steve caught a fish and lost it as he was reeling it in. Looked like a barracuda.  8:19am- We noticed 2 Carnival cruise ships anchored in a distance. Guess they aren’t busy.  The water is calm however you get these rolling swells  around 70 ft apart.  9:30am- The main sail went up however it only gave us a small push.  2:00pm-  A sailor on the radio announced he saw a whale right beside his boat and it was about 5 ft. Unfortunately, he was 10 miles ahead of us. I went at the bow anyways for a look. Sue later told me she saw a spool

March 28, 2022- Egg Island

6:00am- Early rise for our departure from Hatchet Bay. It was so peaceful this morning having our coffee.   7:00am-  Our anchors are up and heading to Egg Island. Gorgeous sunrise.  Both sails up and we are going 6 knots with winds blowing at 13knots. Perfect sail.  9:50am- Going through Current Cut. The name speaks for itself.  We took down the jib sail and left the main up.  FYI Current Cut is the Eleuthera Panama Canal that runs between Current Island and Eleuthera. You need power to get through it. It can carry a tidal flow of monumental proportions and is well known in diving circles as the source of the greatest ‘drift’ ever.  We are going with the current so at least we will go thru the current faster. Nice for a change. Other years we have gone through it against the current and it took a lot to get through it. The current is bringing us up to 9.2 knots.  11:30am-  We covered 23 miles and arrived at Egg Island. It is so calm. We put down the dinghy and Steve started making wate

March 27, 2022- Hatchet Bay

Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera  645am- Steve and I were on the deck of the boat watching dolphins feed. It is so nice when you hear the dolphins breathing through their blow hole on a quiet morning.  Steve decided we will move on and therefore I let Sun Spirit know. The winds have been so unpredictable and we want to move when we can to get to the Abacos.  7:45am- After coffee and breakfast, the anchor was raised and we say goodbye to Rock Sound heading towards Hatchet Bay.  9:30am- Both sails are up, engine off and we are going at a speed of 6.6 knots. Steve even has 2 fishing poles out.  10:00am-  We were under a dark cloud which brought winds and bigger waves with winds 22 knots. We took down head sail and now we are motor sailing.  11:00am- We are still motor sailing with 15 knots of wind. Looks like we are going to Governor’s Harbour because of the way the wind is blowing.  12:00pm-  We are almost at Governor’s Harbour however had to turn around. Sun Spirit is having problems taking down

March 25-26, 2022- Rock Sound

March 25, 2022- Rock Sound, Eleuthera   7:00am- Anchors are going up and leaving Staniel Cay and heading to Rock Sound in Eleuthera.  Watched the sunrise as we left.  It is rocky with waves around 5 to 8ft. We managed to have both sails up for a bit but then the wind died down around 9:15am. Steve has the fishing lines out.  11:45pm- Can’t believe we did not even get a nibble on both fishing rods. Where are the fish hiding?  12:15pm-  Can’t believe it!  We caught two fish on two rods at the same time. Steve brought in the Mahi and I hooked and partially brought in the Wahoo. Rubber skirt on the lure was shredded by the Wahoo teeth. Guess we will have to get Steve new lures. 😆 What a great Birthday gift.  Wahoo dinner coming up Mahi dinner coming up 3:15pm- Arrived at Rock Sound. We covered 51.5 miles. We arrived just in time before a hard front of 40 knots blew in.  Here comes the rain. We will not be going out for dinner as planned but will bring fish over Sue and Gunter to cook.  I

March 16-24, 2022- Back to Staniel Cay

March 16, 2022 9:00am-  Left Exumas Land and Sea park and heading to Staniel Cay. We managed to sail part of the way however we had to motor after going in the wind.  It was a little rough and we had to lower our speed to 3 knots otherwise the boat was pounding.  Nicky and the kids slept in order not to get sea sick.  11:30pm- We passed  iiWii as they were going to Land and Sea with their grand daughter. 12:30pm- It is a bouncy ride with waves up to 5 ft.  Brent rode the bow with waves crashing between him.  2:00pm- Arrived at Staniel Cay and anchored by the pig beach.  We covered 18 miles. Wind was in the nose 16 to 20 knots.  Steve and Brent went to get rid of the garbage.  The kids didn’t waste time to go see the pigs.  5:30 pm- Dinner tonight is spaghetti and sausage. After dinner, when Brent was taking off  dried clothes from the rail, he lost one of the stainless steel pins. So he dove in and recovered it along with a nurse shark swimming beside him.  6:30pm- He and Nicky went fo