March 30-31, 2022- Marsh Harbour

March 30,  2022
7:00am-  Relaxed with Coffee and had breakfast 
8:00am- Anchors are up as we were leaving Lynard Cay and heading to Marsh Harbour. Unfortunately there are no moorings at Man O War.  We have been texting Chuck and Margi, who are already on one of the moorings, from SV Twin V and they will be keeping an eye opened for us.  We met them 6 years ago on our first adventure. 
10:00am-  We can see the Hope Town lighthouse from a distance. We will be going there at a later date. 
10:10am- Can’t believe we already have to start making arrangements for our boat and equipment to be hauled and stored.  We called the marina and the storage unit in Fort Pierce to ensure they know we are coming back first week of May. 
As we sail along Boat Harbour marina, we noticed so much new construction since we were last here. It is nice to see after Dorian how they managed to rebuild. 
1:00pm- Went to shore to walk around and do some groceries. One great thing about Marsh Harbour is they have a huge grocery store which they rebuilt quickly after Dorian destroyed it. We were pleasantly surprise to see the amount of rebuilding which has been taken place up to this date. Although it is mostly businesses and foreign people who are re building. The majority of local did not have insurance or money to rebuild quickly. 
One thing which Steve and I discussed was the mood here was missing. Usually there was always music, people laughing and having fun 
After dropping off our groceries, we went back in town   As we walked around we couldn’t believe the changes.  There  were concrete pads where buildings used to be and we were trying to remember what was there. 

Went for a beer at a newly opened Bar and Grill with Gunter and Sue. . 

We then went to the liquor store where Steve bought a bottle of Patron tequila for $59.06 for a 750ml bottle. 
Back at the boat, Steve read and I practiced my ukulele until dinner. I also made a banana bread with the really ripe bananas. 
6:00pm- Dinner tonight is hamburger and chips. 
7:30pm- Watched a series and later played solitaire before bedtime. I also organized some of my photos. 

March 31, 2022
7:30am- Had our coffee and breakfast before Steve got diesel to fill up the boat. We are now full. We ran out of water in one of our tanks but we don’t want to make water in this harbour.   Not enough water turnover to be clean enough and we don’t know what it is like. To busy of a harbour.   At least we have another 70 gl tank.
9:00am-  We decided to stroll the other direction of town today. You can see who has money and who does not to rebuild their places. Looks like a lot of non natives have a place here. 

Looks like we just missed Kate and Prince Williams who were in the Bahamas last week. This new plaque was put up by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in honour of the victims of Dorian. 
We walked around 4 km noticing all the changes. 

12:00pm- Came back to the boat to have lunch. 
Today was a great day to paint, play cards, play guitar and read. You need those times to do things you wnjoy and not always on the.move. 
I also organized some of my photos and downloaded them to my computer. 
6:00pm- Dinner tonight was chicken, potatoes, carrots and broccoli cooked in a cream of chicken broth. P
7:20pm-  Watched the last March 2022 sunsey while sipping on a suit of tequila. 


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