March 29, 2022- Abacos

March 29, 2022- Lynard Cay in the Abacos 
6/00an- Got up to see the orange crescent moon set. Wish I could capture it on a photo. 
6:50am- I heard the anchor going up when I was down below. Captain must be anxious to get a head start. I can see at least 3 boats ahead of us  and 3 behind us. Many are aiming for Little Harbour which is 49 miles run. 
What a gorgeous sunrise. 
7:45am-  Looks like a convoy of boat. At least 6 boats  are behind us & 5 ahead. 
Steve caught a fish and lost it as he was reeling it in. Looked like a barracuda. 
8:19am- We noticed 2 Carnival cruise ships anchored in a distance. Guess they aren’t busy. 
The water is calm however you get these rolling swells  around 70 ft apart. 
9:30am- The main sail went up however it only gave us a small push. 
2:00pm-  A sailor on the radio announced he saw a whale right beside his boat and it was about 5 ft. Unfortunately, he was 10 miles ahead of us. I went at the bow anyways for a look. Sue later told me she saw a spool of 20 whales. 
2:45pm-  Homemade cookies just came out of the oven. Notice there are a few missing. It complimented the Captain’s cup of tea. 

4:15pm-  Arrived at Lynard Cay in the Abacos. We covered 57 miles. 
4:45pm-  Steve and I swam to the beach and found sea treasures such as sea biscuits and a dried up star fish. So excited. I even dove for a couple of them. 
5:45pm-  We spotted our first Bahamian pelican in six years that we have come to the Bahamas. 
6:15pm- Dinner tonight is spaghetti and pasta. 

Another great day! 

Watched a series before going to bed. 
Tomorrow we hope to get a mooring at Man O War. 


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