March 28, 2022- Egg Island

6:00am- Early rise for our departure from Hatchet Bay. It was so peaceful this morning having our coffee.  
7:00am-  Our anchors are up and heading to Egg Island. Gorgeous sunrise. 
Both sails up and we are going 6 knots with winds blowing at 13knots. Perfect sail. 
9:50am- Going through Current Cut. The name speaks for itself.  We took down the jib sail and left the main up. 
Current Cut is the Eleuthera Panama Canal that runs between Current Island and Eleuthera. You need power to get through it. It can carry a tidal flow of monumental proportions and is well known in diving circles as the source of the greatest ‘drift’ ever. 
We are going with the current so at least we will go thru the current faster. Nice for a change. Other years we have gone through it against the current and it took a lot to get through it. The current is bringing us up to 9.2 knots. 
11:30am-  We covered 23 miles and arrived at Egg Island. It is so calm. We put down the dinghy and Steve started making water right away while I played my ukulele. 

1:00pm-  We went to the beach and walked across low tide areas. I was so excited because we found sea biscuit and sand dollars. For me these are sea treasures.

The view was spectacular. 
3:00pm- While Steve finished his outside shower after swimming, 2 men approached him and asked where we were from since they noticed our boat was registered in Hamilton. They were  from NOTL and St Catharines. 

3:30pm- Bread came out of the oven and we had a sample. 
4:00pm- After a nice hot shower, I serenaded Steve with my ukulele. I then did weaving while he read. 
6:00pm- Dinner tonight is Wahoo fish tacos and coleslaw.. 
7:00am-  We sat at the deck of the boat to watch the peaceful sunset as we sipped on a cup of coffee. The water was so calm. 
7:30pm-  I heard the dolphins feeding and watch them as they were coming up for air. 
Perfect evening. 

We watched a series and I played solitaire before going to bed. 

Another early morning tomorrow since we are headed to the Abacos. 


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