May 3-5, 2022 - GaYa is out.

May 3, 2022
12:90pm- Our GaYa is out of the water.  Steve ran fresh water through the engine before they lifted her out. 

John and Terry from s/v Primera Vista, came to the yard to see how they haul our boat out since their boat will be coming out on the 13th. They were kind enough to drive us to our truck which was at the marina. 
We did our last load of wash which was all the bedding. 
As we got back to the boat, they already cleaned the bottom and were bringing it where they put her on stands. 
4:00pm- We we’re hoping to go to our grandson’s piano recital however we never got there. Our truck sensor kept coming on. We ended up at the Ford truck dealer in Fort Pierce. They did a quick diagnosis and figure  the throttle body valve could be stuck. Might be because the truck sat so long without being used. 
We will be bringing it in tomorrow morning and will have to rent a truck since we need to get our dinghy to the storage bin. 
May 4, 2022 
We rented a hotel for 3 days until the truck is fixed and the boat prepared to leave on the hard. 
7:30am- Brought the truck in to get a sensor fixed. Can you believe their hourly rate is $200/hr.  We rented another truck for $59/day so we can continue to empty GaYa and bring things to storage. 
As usual, it is a busy day. I lifted all the floors and washed everything, put aluminium foil on the windows so the sun can’t penetrate,  Steve did keel repair, put shading material on the top of the boat, lubricated all the through hull valves, plugged all the drain holes and exhaust pipe with rags etc etc etc… 
May 5, 2022
Worked on the boat and finished off emptying everything. 
3:00pm- We were exhausted from the heat so we went for a swim in the hotel pool and showered before picking up our repaired truck. $800.00 afterwards, it was nice having our truck back. 
4:00pm-  We were starving since we did not have our lunch. We stopped in a restaurant a had a great Cobb salad. 
6:30pm- Now that we had our truck and it was cooler, we went back to the boat and storage bin to load everything we are bringing home in our truck.  Afterwards, we went back to the hotel and crashed. 


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