April 27 - May 2, 2022- Haul-out time

April 27 - 29, 2022
7:00am- Before our coffee, we said goodbye to Sue and Gunter as they leave for Jacksonville to haul out their boat there. It felt very surreal. 
Now the work begins. First called our landscaper back home because apparently our lawn needs cutting. 

After breakfast, we took an Uber to pick up our truck which was in storage. After removing the cover, we knew she needed a good wash. 
We then went to Storage King USA to reserve a climate control storage unit. According to Riverside Marina, they will not be able to haul us out until next week. 

April 27-29,  2022
Our new hats which we got at the Fort Pierce City Marina. 

Things we have done so far to start putting the boat away 
-Steve filled the boat up with fuel and emptied the Jerry can in order to store them in the storage bin 
-We brought the kayak and a few fenders also to storage along with other things which we will no longer need such as life jackets. 
-Steve thoroughly cleaned the top side and the deck 
-We removed the head sail
- Changed the oil and oil filter 
- Filled up the aft water tank 
-I shampooed all the rugs, washed all the blankets and towels which we will not be using and put them in vacuumed bags. 
-Picked up moisture absorbers from Home Depot to place in our boat before closer her up 
-Washed and silicone greased all the rubber on the boat windows 
- Shampooed all the interior and exterior cushions except for our bed mattress 
- We super washed the stove and oven and washed all the windows
- Steve repaired the outside shower piping connections. 
- Steve pickled the water maker

Friends we reacquainted with in Fort Pierce while staying at the marina. 

-Debra and John who just sold Mandalay as of April 30th and have gone back to Annapolis. 

- John and Terry from Halifax on Primera Vista,  who were the first couple we buddy boat with in the Bahamas. 
- Marc and Karen who now live on their boat beautiful boat full time. 


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