December 31, 2021 -Happy New Year.

December 31, 2021 
Happy New Year to all my blogger readers. 
4:00am- We are off to West End in the Bahamas. It is approximately 55 miles. It should take about 10 hours to get there depending on the wind. 
This is a night photo of Gunter and Sue following us in the Gulf  stream as we were leaving West Palm. 

My adrenaline goes up just as we are hoisting the anchor in the middle of the night. I get so excited when we leave in the dark with all the stars gazing down at us. It is also very disorienting and the depth perception  is deceiving. You have to take your time and have someone looking out at all times.  
4:15am- Sun Spirit is staying close behind us since their running lights are not working. Something Gunter will have to check in the Bahamas. 

7:00am- As we see light appearing, we noticed we do not see any land and that there is no cellular service. Now we wait to connect to a Bahamian cellular.  We purchased a phone chip for the trip. 
As Steve put out his fishing line, our auto pilot stopped. He knows he has to tighten something to fix it however that would mean we would have to stop. He decided we will drive it manually. I better lay down a bit before taking over. I have been busy taking photos of the moon and sun rising. So beautiful. 
8:00am-  Steve decided to shut down the engine and fix the auto pilot. We still have 32.8 miles and it would be a long trip to steer  all the way.  It only took 10 minutes. He had to tighten the set screws on the auto helm sprockets. We are back in business.                                                                              
9:00am- Steve keeps changing lures hoping to catch tonight’s dinner. 10:15am- A cargo ship crossed in front of us.  11:00- Started seeing in the long distance a tower. As we got closer, it was a water tower.
1:00pm- We arrived at West End Old Bahamas marina and had to fly the quarantine flag until we cleared Customs. All is good and we got a 6 months cruising permits. 

First thing Steve did is jump in the ocean and then the pool. 


Two tiered pool

We had Gunter and Sue for dinner and they brought a bottle of champagne to bring in the new year. Of course, none of us stayed up to midnight. After Sue and Gunter left, Steve and I walked around the beautiful resort but there wasn’t much partying. We watched a movie.  As we were going to bed, we heard loud music and it was a Junkanoo performing. It was a long day and at this point just went to bed. 


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