April 24, 2022- Great Sale Cay

April 24, 2022 
6:40am- Up to see the sunrise. Not many left for me to see before we leave the Bahamas. Wish we could spend more time in Manjack Cay but we have to move on since the winds are in favour. 

Enjoying the last of our coconut with the blueberries which Gunter and Sue brought us yesterday. 

8:30am- Both sails are up as we leave Manjack and sail on to Great Sale Cay. 

9:30am-  Can’t help noticing all the Abaco pines trees along Great Abaco which were stripped by Dorian. It might take a while for them to recover. 

9:30am-  The perfect sail. We are reaching up to 8.8 knots with winds of 15 apparent at 120 degrees. . 
10:00am-  In preparation for the gulf crossing, while  my bread is rising, I made pizza dough in order to have pizza for when we plan to cross. I also made tuna salad and pancake mix for tomorrow’s breakfast,  while under sail. 
I made sure to wash all my sea urchins and sea biscuits after they soaked in bleach overnight. I then carefully packed them in plastic container to protect them from breaking. I lost a couple already. 😞
1:30pm-  As I was cooking pizza in the galley,  Steve yelled down to me saying there were dolphins. I ran up with my camera and managed to capture them playing with our bow waves. What a thrill.!  It is almost like they are saying goodbye. Beside watching the moon and sun rise and set, I will miss the dolphins and turtles. 
1:40pm- First pizza out of the oven. Second one being cooked. It is grbearb to be able to prepare all this food while under sail. Nice that I no longer get seasick. 
2:00pm- Second pizza out. 
2:15pm- We just went 9.5 knots on a broad reach. That is almost a record speed. WHAT A SAIL! 

2:52pm- We lost cell connection. I called my mom just before we lost connection.  Now I save my blog on offline until we get connection again. 

3:00pm- We can see Great Sale in the distance. We covered 40 miles so far today. 
3:15pm- Bread just came out of the oven and of course we had to sample it. I brought 50 lbs of bread flour and used it all up. I made this bread with all purpose flour and the Captain approved. 
3:25pm- We passed several boats along the way. We are just flying. This has probably been the best sail we have had. Constant 6+ knots since 8:30 this morning. 
4:00pm-  Another thrilling moment when the dolphins were playing in our bow waves.  What a way to leave the Bahamas. 
4:12pm-  We just got reconnect to cell. There is a tower on Great Sale. 
4:45pm - We arrived at Great Sale.  We covered 53 nm.  There were approximately 16 other boats anchored here.  No cell connection at all now. 
6:00pm- Sue and  Gunter came over for nachos before the sunset. 7:30pm-  Watched the sunset and blew the conch when it set. Figure it was our way to say goodbye to the Bahamas. 
8:00pm- Watched a couple of series before going to bed. 

The cell reception here is on and off. 


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