April 23, 2022- Manjack (Nunjack) Cay

April 23, 2022
Still windy this morning however we have to wait until the tides go down before leaving  White Sound at Green  Turtle. 
Sue and Gunter were kind enough to bring us blueberries (they went grocery shopping yesterday) and got rid of our garbage since they were going to town. 
I painted and practiced ukulele while Steve read.  
12:30pm-  After having our lunch,  the tides were high enough to finally leave. We disconnected our buoy and headed to Manajack. 
We were able to sail the whole way even if it was only 45 minutes away. 

1:45pm- Steve made sure our anchor was well planted and briefly looked to sea of there was any sea urchins or sea biscuits. Last time we anchored here, we got plenty. No luck on this swim. 

2:30pm- We went for a walk on Manjaxk Cay to the ocean side. Glad to see the air plants made it through Dorian. 

Steve found ‘sand doo’ on the beach to ride. 

I found another trail which was the art trail. 

We then went for a dinghy ride in the mangroves  with Sue and Gunter to find turtles. 
Before dinner, Steve went diving for sea biscuits and sea urchins and was very successful. Glad he is such a good fish. 
Now I soak them in bleach water and then they will get a good scrubbing. What treasures!
6:00pm- Dinner tonight is Nassau Grouper fried in butter, capers, spinach, onions and tomatoes with rice , broccoli and pea. 
The wind died down and it was such a lovely evening. Nice to see the sunset without any obstructions. 

I am going to miss seeing the sunset on the water. 

Watched a couple of series  before going to bed. Steve went to bed at 9:30pm since he was so tired. Must of been all the swimming. 
10:00pm- GaYa is getting a good wash since it started pouring. 


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