January 24, 2022- Lee Stocking Island

January 24, 2022
3:30am-  During the night, I heard it pouring but now the wind has picked up and it feels like we are going up and down waves and you hear the boat pouncing down. In fact, I heard Steve go out to check things out. I am always thankful for a good anchor. 
It is weird because when you are in the boat it magnifies it even more. It sounds worse than what it really is. Back to bed. 
7:00am-  It hasn’t calm down and the wind is coming from the West. With the current fighting the wind, it makes it bumpy. Now the decision to stay or go. 
7:30am-  Fonished off our coconut bread by making French toast for breakfast. 
8;30am- Thinking we were staying, I figure it was a good time to clean all the floors and reshuffle a few things. 
10:00am- Decision has been made and the anchor goes up. Heading to Stocking Island where we may get more protection. As we were leaving, a plane was landing near us who were probably bringing guest for the week at David Copperfield’s resort. 
10:30- Time to fish. Here fishy fishy! 
11:00am- Time to knead my bread dough and let it rise for another three hours. It is not easy to do when the boat is rolling around and then a power boat passes and causes huge waves. 
12:00pm- Arrived at Lee Stocking Island.  You really have to watch your depth here as we ran aground on a sand dune however got free quickly. The water colours here are spectacular. We covered 11 miles today. A lot calmer here. 
This is one of my favourite spots. 
1:45- After lunch m, Steve went hunting for a coconut. We know this is one of the islands which has coconut. Figure since I am making bread, I might as well make muffins. Off we went for a bumpy ride and voila…success. 

Steve brought his machete to make things easier. 

We drank the coconut water 

Steve tried to knock down coconuts from the tree hoping to get another one with no success. He needs a monkey to climb up to get them. 

I put coconut in my chocolate chip oatmeal muffins. 

Muffins are out of the ovens and bread is going in. It smells like a bakery.  
3:00pm- Sue and Gunter came over for coffee and muffins. We spent time looking at all the boats spinning in the current. We were actually doing 180 degree on the anchor. Amazing how the current takes control over the wind. 

4:30pm- I practiced my ukulele while Steve relaxed. 
6:00pm- Steak, Salad and pasta for dinner tonight under the green light. 
So calm now. There must be over 30 boats anchored here. 
Total darkness except for the anchor lights and stars. 
Watched a series before going to bed. 
Not sure whether we will go to Georgetown tomorrow. We want to be there by the weekend since there is another front coming. 


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