January 21 -22, 2022- Black Point

January 21, 2022

6:30am - Enjoyed the sunrise along with coffee and a healthy breakfast this morning before leaving Staniel Cay. 


So nice to have fruit. 

8:30am-- Anchors up and heading to Black Point.this morning. 

10:20am- Arrived at Black Point. 

11:00pm- Went for a walk in town to check things out and to get some exercise. 

There is obviously a lot of poverty here judging from the homes and vehicles. 

After walking 2 km, we turned around. We stopped at a local market and bought 4 potatoes for $5. 

As we were passing the school, you could hear classes being taught. 

12:45- Had lunch. 

2:00pm-  While Steve dove in the water to check and clean the water line, I made a cold pasta dish. We are invited for dinner tonight at Gunter and Sue’s for hamburger. 

5:00pm- Went to Gunter and Sue for dinner. The perfect night. So calm and no wind with a great meal.
7:00pm- After a wonderful meal, dinghied back to our boat. The star were spectacular. 

Watched a movie before going to bed. Another beautiful moon rise. 

January 22, 2022
6:30am- After my daily exercise routine, Steve and enjoyed a cup of coffee. We noticed how noisy it was with the roosters and the locals waiting at the dock for a boat to pick them up to go to work on different islands. Guess that is their bus. It was so stuffy last night and I had to open my hatch and run the fan. Lots of dew on the boat this morning. 
Had a great breakfast before going for a walk at 9:00am with Gunter and Sue. 
The provision boat was unloading at the dock and locals were picking up there orders.
 It was a hot one but so nice. I even got a small buoy which washed up the beach. 
We found a small cave were we rested in the shade. Went to see if Lorraine made homemade bread today. She said it would be ready by 1:00pm.  Steve and I didn’t waste time to jump in the water when we got back from the boat. I then went kayaking and showered in back of the boat. So refreshing. We don’t have hot water in the back of the boat but it is so refreshing on a hot day. 
11:00am- Steve made water afterwards. 
12:30pm- Met Sue and Gunter for lunch at a Emerald Sunset View restaurant which was right on the water. There was a boat which arrived and had approximately 20 people from Nassau. They pay $340 each for the day to view different events throughout the area and have a lunch buffet included. Crazy price. 
Our lunch cost $60 per couple. 

We picked up a loaf of fresh coconut bread which Lorraine makes  everyday. 

Steve and I went for a dinghy ride around the Dotham cut and saw a sunken vessel.  So sad when you see that. 

2:45pm- Came back to the boat for a slice of coconut bread. 
3:45pm- After our cup of tea, I was naturally hot so I went for a nice long kayak stroll. Afterwards, Steve and I went for a swim around the boat. 

It is so peaceful with all the calmness. At least with the sun starting to go down, it is getting more comfortable.  It is the perfect evening. 

We sat at the bow of the boat with a drink and enjoyed the sunset. 

Watch a series before going to bed. 
Tomorrow we leave for Little Farmer’s Cay. 


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