December 13 - 24, 2021 FPCM

December 13, 2021
6:15- Went for my morning walk to see the sunrise.  Always so mystical. 
When I returned around 7:30am, Steve was already busy addressing a few leaking issues. We like a dry bottom boat.  We had our first breakfast on the boat which consisted of yogurt, fruit and granola.  
Steve washed and clean the boat topside, fixed a few electrical plugs to charge all our gadgets and checked to make sure the anchor works. All good.  
We went to pick up a new bilge indicator and I couldn’t resist going to Bealls.  I love that shop however Steve was pressuring me to move along. He is on a mission.  

Steve fired off the barbecue and all was good 

Our first dinner on the boat consist of barbecued pork chops, basmati rice and broccoli.  Finished off with oreo cookies and a coffee.  
So nice to relax after a hectic busy day. 

7:00pm- We went for a nice long walk to look at all the Xmas lights and then came back to watch a movie. 

December 14, 2021
6:00am - Woke up this to meet Debra and go for a beautiful walk on the beach. Willow, her dog, loved finding coconuts which washed up the Beach. 
Debra also gave me tips on how to use my iPhone camera which I never knew until now. Thanks Debra. 

8:30am-  When I returned to the boat, I started making sour dough bread. My daughter gave me the starter. 
Today Steve was busy once again.  He got the outboard motor going and went to test it out on the dinghy  He fixed the automatic float switch, changed the block and tackle on the dinghy lift, replaced the toilet seat bolts on his head, cleaned the burner on the stove, replaced some batteries. 

3:00pm - We both had a shower. 
We walked to Axe hardware to pick up a few parts. 

4:30pm -  Bread has risen and now in the oven. After 1/2 hour, it didn’t take long before sampled the bread. YUMMY! 
Good thing I have 50 pds of bread flour on board. 
6:00pm-  Met Debra and John for dinner at the 2nd Street Bistro. It was a great evening. 

John, Debra, Steve and I got our photo with Santa 

Thanks Debra for taking this photo. 

8:30pm -  Went back to the boat and watch a series. 

December 15, 2021
7:00am-  Steve and I went for a morning walk before having our coffee and breakfast. 
He filled up the water tanks and did some outside cleaning while I continued to organize my galley. 
We went to Aldi’s and pharmacy to do some shopping. We met Debra, John and their friend Phil at 2nd Street bistro for lunch. 
Later Steve and I gave Debra and John pickle ball lessons. It was fun to get that exercise. 

6:00pm-  Back at the boat we watch a movie. Too full from lunch to eat dinner. 
December 16, 1021
6:00am- Off for my morning walk and then had a shower before having to move our boat on the outside of a pier at the marina around 8am. It is more scenic here and we can see the inter coastal traffic. 

8:30am-  Had Breakfast and then Steve went for a shower. 
We later went to Walmart to pick up a printer since everything now is on line for Customs in the Bahamas. They expect you to have printed copies of the cruising permit in order for them to stamp it. We washed the truck in preparation to putting it away tomorrow. Seeing that our jug of water was empty, we filled it up at a water station. We carry 2 - 5 gallons jugs to make coffee until we get to the Bahamas where we can make water with our water maker. 
4:30pm-  Things are not going easy this year. Steve called Riviera Beach Marina a couple of days ago to reserve a slip and when he just called to confirm, they said they did not have our reservation and they were full. We called several other marinas and they are also fully booked. One of the girls told Steve that it has been really crazy this year with reservations. So disappointing.  We will have to figure something out. The true life of living in  the ‘Now’. 
5:00pm- Since there weren’t any marinas available, the Fort Pierce marina accommodated us for another week. 
The good news is there were all kind of dolphins swimming around our boat. The pelicans tried to follow them hoping to catch fish. Very entertaining.  

6:00pm- Debra and John will be leaving for Annapolis for Xmas so we met at Crabby’s for dinner to say goodbye.

Once we came back from dinner, we watched a movie before bedtime. 

December 17, 2021
6:30am- Woke up for my morning walk. I noticed Debra and John were getting ready to drive back to Annapolis for Christmas. 
I finally was able to order and pick up an Apple Pro 13 phone in a Palm Beach gardens mall. Steve first stopped in Home Depot before going to the mall to pick up a Carbon Monoxide detector for our boat since the battery leaked from the previous and ended up in the garbage. 
How ironic, as we were leaving the mall, we ran into Duane and his son Neil. (Good friend) as they were going in. They live in West Palm Beach. Small world. 
Seeing that we were close by, we dropped over our daughter, Nicky, and took the kids for an ice cream cone before heading back to the boat.
I think Parker had more ice cream on his face.

Lyla and Gpa enjoying their ice cream. 

When we retuned to the boat, I worked on transferring all my info from my old phone to my new one while  Steve had a fiesta. 

7:00pm- We met friends, Karen and Marc for dinner at Cobbs. Last rime we saw them was 6 years ago when we first brought GaYa from FPYC Grimsby to Florida.  Steve knew Marc over 30 years ago. They now live on their boat. 
We had them over at the boat afterwards for drinks before bedtime around 11:00pm. 

 December 18, 2021
It rained hard early morning with thunder and lightning so I didn’t bother getting up for my morning walk. Every Saturday there is a huge market at the marina. We went t pick up chocolate croissants to go with our morning coffee. Later in the morning, we went for a shower. 

1:00pm-  Had my booster shot at CVS.  Nice to be able to get it before going to the Bahamas. We pretty well laid around and read all afternoon. 

4:00pm - Steve got his booster. 

5:00pm - Marc and Karen invited us over on their 70 ft Hatteras boat which they have docked at Dockside marina and live on.  It is such a beautiful cozy boat.  We can see why they love it. What a perfect relaxing evening. First we sat out on the deck watching the sun set and dolphins jumping while having hors d’œuvres.  Then later they prepared us a fantastic mahi mahi, sweet potato and salad meal.  Great conversations while sipping on a drink. The perfect relaxing evening.  

9:30pm - Once we got back to the boat, we watched a movie however went to bed early since both of us couldn’t stay up. 

Beautiful full moon in December. 

December 19, 2021
6:30am- Went for my morning walk. After breakfast, we went to two different West Marine stores to find a part for friends Gunter and Sue who will be joining us soon.  We then went to Costco before going to our daughter, Nicole, for dinner. We did 2 loads of laundry while we were there. She put on a good spread.  We then went for a walk to see light displays before going back to the boat. We all said our goodbyes and they plan on joining us in March on the boat 

Put all our laundry away and made the bed before relaxing and watching NFL football on TV. 

December 20, 2021
6:30am- After my morning walk, I prepared Steve a surprise breakfast.  
Today, Steve made a modification to the davit strut and he sharpened the machete.  He is preparing for our coconuts.  

Went for a dinghy ride around the marina and inter coastal.

 I had my shopping spree at Bealls and went to the dollar store to find Xmas lites but they are already preparing to put them away. 

Good thing we had LED string lites to decorate the boat to get  in the spirit. 

Steve reinstated the water from the water maker.   He flushed the new filters installed and ran 5 gallons of freshwater. Excellent reading. Turns out the propylene glycol is the perfect pickling solution.  We are ready to go.  

We were waiting on Gunter and Sun from s/v Sun Spirit however they got weathered in at St Augustine.  Hopefully they can move on before we head out.  
We tried calling West Palm Beach area however it seems they are booked up solid until after Christmas however we are on a waiting list.  Cold front coming through tonight.  Lows in the fifties.  

Tonight is steak wrapped with bacon. Potatoes twice baked and salad

Another movie night before bed. 

December 21, 2021
No walk this morning, since it was raining. I did go for a shower before making eggs for breakfast. Gusting today 19 to 30 mph. I managed to work on some on line documents in preparation for our Bahama travels.   This year, everything is online and you need to be pre cleared for Customs, Immigration and Health. In fact, you need a negative PCR Covid test 5 days prior.  I can’t fill in the remainder of the documents until we get a negative test.  In other words, once we figure out when we are crossing the gulf, we need to get tested and then submit documents and cruising payment before we go.  We then have to print the approved documents and we have  5 days to go to the Bahamas and have them stamped by an officer.  

Steve finished modifying the davit and then changed the choke valve on one of the heads. 

After lunch, the wind picked up and the boat was being rocked. I practiced doing some calligraphy from a new book I purchased. 
2:00pm- Went for my walk while Steve went to West Marine. It was so windy, I felt like I needed an anchor to hold me down. It wasn’t a good hair day but I loved that warm wind going through my hair. 

5:00pm- Made spaghetti for dinner  

We listened to Howard Stern interviewing Neil Young while sipping on our coffee. So nice to have good wifi here. We later watched a movie before going to bed.  Steve has an iPad Pro which has a nice big screen. We set it up in the cockpit and relaxed while watching our shows. It was only 66 F tonight so we actually had to put on our hoodies and cover up with a blanket. 

December 22, 2021

Brrrrrr….only 56F this morning and I am wrapped up in my duvet and don’t want to get out. My sister texted me to say the rocket launch is postponed until at least Christmas due to the high winds. 

8:00am- Finally got out of bed and made hot oatmeal for breakfast.


We then went for a long walk. I made sure to wear my new warm and cozy Pacas socks. 
It warmed up as the sun came out of the clouds. 

Love seeing Spanish moss on the trees. 

Making Sour dough bread today. Between mixing, rising and cooking time, it takes around 7 hours to make.                   
I just love my new flour holding silicone bags. 

They hold up to 10-12 cups of flour. Easy to store in the cupboards also. Great for boating. 

1:00pm- Finished off making our sunshade curtains.  That will be great for when the hot sun is gazing in the stern. 
2:00pm- Went for a fantastic cappuccino and muffin at Importicos Bakery Cafe across from the marina.  I have been eyeing it every time I walked by it. Figure it was great timing since it was cooler out.  

Walked around the market today.

5:00pm - Another successful whole grain sour dough bread out of the oven. 

6:00pm- Steve picked up Mahi at a local fishing boat and barbecued it for dinner. 

Another great dinner of Mahi, rice fried in coconut oil and my homemade coleslaw. 

Watched TV and snuggled up in the boat as it gets cooler again tonight. 

December 23, 2021
7:30am- Woke up to 54F this morning. Glad I brought blankets. I almost didn’t pack them. I am still snuggled up in bed.  Our friends Gunter and Sue are still motoring up here from Jacksonville to meet us and should get here by the 26.  They said they are freezing. It will warm up as the day progresses. 
8:15am- Steve decided enough with this cold. He went and got the small heater from the car. Guess it will be coming with us. Who knew! 
10:00-  We went to Walmart to pick up some provision and a silicone pastry mat. I needed something I can knead my bread dough on. 
11:00am-  While Steve read, I went for a nice long walk. It is beautiful now that the sun is out and in the 70s.  Later I practiced my uku and guitar.  
5:30pm. - Dinner tonight is meatloaf with left over spaghetti 

After dinner, we went for a nice walk round the marina and listened to music surrounding the restaurant.  Came back to watch a movie afterwards before bedtime.  

December 24, 2021
6:30am- Woke up to 57F outside but we had our heater on low all light. I went for a nice long walk while watching the sunrise. 
8:00am-  When I got back to the boat, Steve was just getting up and had coffee ready. 
Looked like the sun had eyes and a mouth this morning. 
We looked at our security cameras at home and it looks like it will be a white Christmas there.  
10:00am- Seeing that we have shore power, I decided to clean some of my rugs with the shampooer while Steve changed the bulb on the port light.  I also washed all my floors. Feels so good when it is all done. 
I cut Steve’s hair on the dock 

He finished by trimming his moustache. 
We showered up afterward. 

Lunch was fish tacos with the leftover Mahi we had the other night. 

2:00pm- Went to our favourite place for Cappucino and cranberry muffin. We sat at the park watching everyone go by. We are keeping our distance and wearing our mask when we go indoors. Wouldn’t want to get sick or get Covid while we are on the boat let alone at home. My sister updates me on the rising cases in Ontario. 
After our coffee a huge cranberry muffin, it was siesta time. 
For some reason we were not hungry for dinner.  Later we had Parmesan toast and then chips. Not very nutritional but good. 
We FaceTimed family and friends to wish them a wonderful Holiday.
Watched a Movie before  going to bed. 


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