Prep work on GaYa / Family get together

Prep work  October 7 to 31, 2021

Can’t believe we will be starting our fifth year of sailing in the Bahamas. We are looking forward to it since we have been locked down for 18 months due to COVID.  We decided to leave earlier this year. 

October 7, 2021 

Up to now, Biden has not opened the US border due to Covid. We were hoping to drive our truck to Florida and Pennsylvania to see the kids and start working on the boat. 

We decided to fly and therefore had to make sure we got our Covid test 72 hours prior. After less than 24 hours, we were happy to have a negative result.

October 9, 2021

 The limo picked us up at 4am in order to board our 7am flight to Fort Lauderdale. Nicky, our daughter, picked us up. 

October 11-14, 2021

While we stayed at Nicky and Brent’s , we drove back and forth from Lakeworth to Fort Pierce daily to work on the boat. We had someone from the marina paint the bottom. She looked really good. We are also going to have the marina paint the boot stripes (water line) on the boat. 
We managed to clean the inside of the boat, Steve fixed the outside water shower faucet, he replaced one of the waste pump out aluminum cap with a nylon one. We went to see McFarlan Canvas Seven to replace the V birth cushion foam. Steve needed it firmer. We were hoping that she could make us the shade panels for our hard top, however she will not have time.

October 15-16, 2021

Went to Element Chiropractor for 2pm on Friday with Nicky to get a treatment with Eleanor. It felt so good seeing that my back needed realignment. 
Steve and I brought the kids for an ice cream afterwards. Brent had to leave early morning for his art show in Fort Lauderdale.  

Went to watch Parker play baseball a couple of times. 
Early Saturday, went to the Lakeworth Market.  Enjoyed the music while watching River, their dog,  swim in the inter coastal.  Lyla had to give her a bath. 

October 17- 21, 2021 

Had dinner at the Bogart's and Irene’s. (Friends) They are always so welcoming. We walked the beach a couple of times and picked up the kids at school and also brought them swimming.  

October 21 - October 31,  2021 Pennsylvania visit 

It was sad leaving Florida. Now we are off to Pennsylvania to see  Natalie, Michael, Cooper and Logan. Natalie picked us up at the airport and we were finally reunited with Cooper, Logan and Michael . 

Enjoying our time with Cooper & Logan
Halloween photo

During our stay we watched the kids while Natalie and Michael went to a wedding during the weekend. It was nice having some alone time with the boys.  We also got to pick them up at school and meet their teachers. So cute. We spent a lot of time with Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and Steve Rogers(Captain America). 

October 31, 2021

 Enjoyed our time together however it was time to get home to hand out Halloween candy.  It wasn’t the greatest experience. At the airport, I randomly got selected to get a COVID test regardless of the fact that I got one in Pennsylvania 72 hours prior.  The whole process delayed us an hour.  We were not happy.  At least there was no cost for the test.  

Got home by 3pm.  


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