February 27- 28, 2022- Lee Stocking Island

February 27, 2022 Leaving George Town  to Lee Stocking Island 

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband Steve who turned 69 today. 

7:45am- FaceTimed with Natalie,Cooper and Logan. 
8:00am- Listened to Cruiser’s net while having our coffee. Made blueberry pancakes for breakfast. 
9:30am- We FaceTimed with Nicky, Lyla and Parker. It will be Lyla’s 12th birthday tomorrow. 
9:45am-  Anchor is up and off we go to Lee Stocking Island. Sun Spirit will be following us. 
Both sails are up, motor off and now we are sailing at 6.7nm. 
Once we are there, we will not have access to cellular data for a couple of days. We will slowly move our way to Staniel Cay. 
12:00pm- Still under sail at a speed 5.6nm. Unbelievable the amount of catamaran sailing this year. We think a lot of boaters sold everything and are living permanently. Maybe Covid situation had something to do with it. 
1:45pm-   Entering the cut at Lee Stocking Island. We tried anchoring closer to shore but it was too shallow so we went further back to where we were before. 
Unfortunately, Steve never caught a fish. 
2:30pm- All anchored and we covered 25.75 km. 
Good thing is it looks like we have cellular data. 
Steve read a book while I basket weaved.  I am slowly progressing. 

6:00pm- Watched the sunset on the bow of the boat while sipping on a glass of wine. 
6:30pm-  Dinner tonight spaghetti with sausages. 
Nice to be anchored away from a crowded anchorage. 
8:00pm- Watched a couple of series before Steve went to bed and read and I stay out playing my ukulele. 
I wish I could describe or even take a photo of the stars. It is so mystical and unbelievable when you are in total darkness looking up at the stars. It will have yo be stored in my memory. That is one of the most difficult transitions when I get home. There is too much light which takes away from seeing such a spectacular view. 

February 28, 2022

Happy 12th Birthday to our sweet grand daughter Lyla 
She is growing up too fast. 

7:00am-  Woke up to an already made coffee since Steve woke up before me. 
Sun Spirit was the foreground of the sunset this morning. 
Had our breakfast and then went hiking with Sue and Gunter on the island. 
It is always fun to explore.

Lee Stocking Island was host to a marine research from 1984 to 2012 which was connected to NOAA. As we walked throughout the island we would go through jungle like path to an old airport runway. The whole island is inhabited and the many buildings and research area are abandoned now. You can walk in the homes and buiding and imagine what it would have been like. .  There was even an old Home Depot building. 
along with abandoned vehicles and tractors. 

Sadly, there was so much plastic washed up on the beach. 
Came back to the boat around 11:30am. Did some weaving and Steve read and made about 35 gallon of water. The water is so clear here although a lot of current. 
After it rained for about 1/2 hour, I went for a walk on the highest hill in the Exumas on Norman’s Pond Cay while Steve stayed on the boat, read and made hot water for my return. I couldn’t leave this place without seeing one of the most scenic views. When it sprinkled, I went in one of the overhangs. Once I returned to the boat, I went for a swim although there was a lot of current. It is a good thing I held on to the dinghy cord as I jumped in. I then took a nice hot shower.  
4:00pm- We went to Leaf Cay with Gunter and Sue. It is the only island in the Bahamas with pink Iguanas. 
Steve enjoyed petting them and they seemed to like it. 
5:00pm- When we got back to the boat, we lifted up the dinghy in preparation for our departure tomorrow. 

6:00pm-  Dinner tonight is hamburgers and chips. I played a little ukulele before we watched a couple of series before bed. We were both tired tonight and were in bed by 10:00pm. 



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