February 13-26, 2022 - George Town (2)

February 13, 2022
2:45am-  There was a squeeky noise coming from the goose neck of the boom which woke Steve up. He got up to lubricate it. Silence!!!
8:00am-  Listened to Cruiser’s Net while having coffee and breakfast. 
9:00am- Steve went to get fuel and a good thing he did since he heard on the net later that they ran out. While he was gone, I vacuumed and wash all the floors. Feels so good when the boat is all clean.  
Today was a day to paint, play ukulele and read.
5:00pm- Went to Splash Restaurant across the bay to watch the Super Bowl game.  The cheeseburger and fries were great.

6:30pm- Game is beginning. So many boaters dinghied across the bay. 

We sat with Gunter, Fred and Ruth Ann. 
The Super Bowl deal was $25 for a bucket of 5 beers. 

They passed around shooters all evening. 

10:15pm- Good game.  After the Rams won we were back at our boat on our dinghy. 
Before when we arrived at the restaurant, our dinghy was anchored in water and by the time we were leaving, the tides were down and the dinghy was high and dry out of the water.  Steve had to drag the dinghy from the beach into the water. There must of been at least 10 dinghies racing in the dark back to their boats. Good thing we set up a flashing light to identify our boat in the dark from a distance.
When we got back, we watched a series before going to bed   

February 14, 2022
Happy Valentines Day 
3:30am- From calm water to really gusty winds. We were woken up by high winds and rain   Steve went out making sure we had  a lot of room between our boats and that no one was dragging around us.  I hate it when it is really gusting and the boat is yanking on the chain. The gust last about 1/2 hour.  We could see other people with bright lights on their boat checking around them also. 
8:00am- I made  special heart shaped blueberry pancakes for my Valentine while listening to the cruiser’s net. 
I painted while Steve read all afternoon. Seeing that I have had time in the past week,  I decided to enter a contest for creating a painted T-Shirt logo for the 2023 George Town Cruising Regatta.  I already painted one 2 years ago but did not submit  it then since we had to leave in a hurry due to Covid. Around 1:00pm, I submitted the finished design to Robin on Endangered Species. Guess they will announce the winner at the end of March. 
When we returned to the boat, I made pickled grill cheese for lunch. So good. 
1:45pm-  There was an announcer on the net that someone who was snorkelling got ran over by a dinghy and had to be brought to the hospital. So sad especially when these accidents can be prevented. 
4:00pm- Went to Gunter and Sue’s for Valentine drinks and hors d’oeuvres. 
6:00pm- Dinner tonight is clam chowder soup  and bread with chocolate pudding for dessert.
After dinner, we watched series before going to bed.  
 February 15, 2022
Rider’s On The Storm  was the song played on the Cruiser’s Net yesterday and that is exactly what is happening. High winds up to 32 mph with the boat bouncing around. At least when it rains, it comes quickly and then goes. Everyone is commenting on how much more rain we are getting this year. 
Those who live up North in the snow would laugh but I had to wrap myself in a blanket this morning as I was drinking my coffee. Temperature is 73F but it feels cooler as it rains. 
8:00am- We listened to the Cruiser’s net as we had breakfast. Winds will be NE 22 to 32.   Looks like windy days for a while. 
A boater in catamaran  “Heaven”announced on the net that he had a handheld mic for sale. Steve has been looking for one since they are now obsolete and we wanted a spare.  He took his dinghy to pick it up and said he didn’t get too wet seeing that it was wavy. He paid $25 for it. 
11:00am-  Seeing that we were not going anywhere, I decided to make cinnamon buns. 1:00am- Gunter, Sue, Fred and Ruth Ann came over to try out my baking with coffee. Fred brought Irish cream for the coffee.
We were observing someone struggling and crossing the bay in their dinghy. They were actually rowing and not moving too fast. Fred went to the rescue and towed him in to his boat. His motor obviously stopped working   We played cards until 4:00. 
The wind is still howling and you can see boats trying to re-anchor to avoid dragging. It suppose to get worse later on tonight. It is not time to drag when it is totally dark out. 
6:30pm- It took awhile to cook the pork chops and vegetables on the barbecue since the wind kept blowing it out. I ended up frying it inside the boat to finish cooking it. That is how much the wind is blowing. 
7:30pm-  We watched a couple of series outside in the stern over the sound of the wind before bedtime. 
11:00-  As we were going to bed, it started raining.  It looks so scary at night when you see all the boats moving back and forth on the anchor. You just hope boaters have their anchors set. Steve and I were laughing because we were loosing our balance trying to walk around the inside of the boat. She just keeps rocking. 

February 16, 2022
Still gusty and windy this morning. 
8:00am-  Listened to the cruiser’s net while having coffee and breakfast. They said at 2am the wind was blowing 36mph. 
9:00am-  Steve and I decided to go across the bay, knowing that things would get wet, and pick up a few groceries. It was worse coming back. 
When we returned and after I put away all the provisions, I painted while Steve read. 
After a late lunch, we decided to go to Chat n Chill to play volleyball. 

As Steve was dragging the dinghy up on the beach he pulled on the strap and it broke. So when we got back to the boat, he fixed it. 

Dinner tonight is meatloaf, potatoes, carrots and salad. 
Watch a couple of series before going to bed. 
It is a full moon tonight. 

February 17, 2022
7:30an- Good morning.  What a way to start the day. It down-poured and after 5 minutes a full rainbow appeared. A woman took this photo of the full rainbow and posted it. Our boat is centred to it. 
8:00am- Listened to the cruiser’s net while having coffee and breakfast. 
9:30am-  Went to water aerobics and enjoyed moving after sitting on the boat for a long period off time. 
Steve made water when we got back while I prepared some hors D’oeuvres for happy hour on the beach later.
1:00- Went to Chat n Chill beach where Steve played volleyball while I joined in ukulele lessons and jamming. 

It was lots of fun. 

4:00pm- Many boaters met on the beach for Happy Hour and the bon fire.
It was nice meeting all different boaters and their stories. 
I looked out the water and noticed our dinghy was missing. Steve and I found it a little ways out going to the mouth of the island. He had to go get it while trying not to get his shorts wet.  For some reason, it got untied from the tree he tied it on. That was close!!!  You definitely need a dinghy. That is a boater’s car. 
As we were getting ready to leave, we had a good laugh when we realized it was only 7pm when we thought it was perhaps 10pm. Boaters can’t seem to stay up late. 
7:15pm- Started watching  a series when we got to the boat but Steve couldn’t keep his eyes opened so he went to bed before 8pm. I decided to stay up and practise my ukulele until 10pm. 

February 18, 2022
5:45am-  Got up early and saw the moon shining down. The water was finally so calm and it was nice not hearing the wind howling through the boat. 
7:30am- Had coffee and breakfast and then headed across the bay to bring our laundry and pick up a few groceries. 
What a thrill we got when we saw dolphins swimming around our dinghy when we were coming back from across the bay.  They swam around us for about 15 minutes. 
10:00am- I made brownies for Ruth Ann since it was her birthday. First time I did brownies on the boat. 
11:45am-  Went back across the bay to pick up our laundry. Fred and Ruth Ann were going to 2 Turtles for lunch so we joined them. Wasn’t the greatest hamburgers. 
1:30pm-  Went back to the boat to put away our laundry and make our beds. 
2:15pm-  Steve played volleyball at Chat N Chill while I sang along with some musician who had their instruments. 
4:00pm- Stopped at Sue and Gunter’s boat to chat. Fred and Ruth Ann invited us all for nachos at their boat as they were going by. 
We rested before going. 
5:00pm- Went to Shooting Star to celebrate Ruth Ann’s birthday. Fred made delicious nachos and then we had brownies. 
7:00pm- Watched a couple of series and then Steve went to bed to read. I played a little ukulele under the bright moon until 10:30pm. 

February 19, 2022 

5:30am- I love it when the moon is so bright and it shines in our boat.  I can’t help getting up throughout the night to check what the moon is doing. 

8:00am- We listened to Cruiser’s net while having coffee and breakfast. 

9:30am-  I am ready for an hour of water aerobics. 
I always need to wear my full wet suit since I am always cold. 

11:00am- While my bread was rising, we went snorkelling with Gunter, Sue, Ruth Ann and Fred at Fowl Cay which was about a 4 miles dinghy ride. 

We then went on a small beach which had a tiki pavilion.  We relax for a while and had drinks which we brought. 
Sue and Gunter went back to their boat while the rest of us went snorkelling in another spot before heading back to the boat. We didn’t stay long. 
2:00pm-  As if we didn’t have enough exercise for the day, Steve, Fred and Ruth Ann wanted to go play volleyball. Steve had to wait until the bread was baked. 

2:30pm-  After sampling a piece of bread, we went to Chat n Chill to meet up with the others  Steve played a few games. 

4:45pm-  Back at the boat we relax while we were watching the sun drop. 
At 6:00pm when the sun set, we blew the conch.  
6:30pm- For dinner tonight was a huge salad with chicken on top followed by ice cream. 
We watched a few series after se did the dishes. 
8:30-Steve went to bed to read while I practiced my ukulele for an hour. 
As I was playing, I noticed the bright orange moon rising. It is so nice to be on the water to view such beauty. 

Unfortunately, it is something I can’t capture and do justice with this photo. 

February 20, 2022 
6.30am- Steve got up before I did this morning probably because he goes to bed so early.  Nice thing was coffee was already made when I got up. 
8:00am- While listening to the Cruiser’s Net, he fried potatoes while I made the toast and eggs. It was a nice treat. 
10:00-  Steve changed the strings on my guitar. What a difference. As he made water, he also polished the stainless steel outside the boat. She looks beautiful. 
11:45pm- Gunter and Sue dropped some books off for Steve. Everyone does book exchanges. They were on there way to a picnic on the beach. We wanted to try to fly our drone. Still have not perfected it and you only have around 20 minutes before the battery runs low. I get so nervous seeing it fly over  water. 
1:30pm-  While Steve played volleyball, I went to a jamming session with my guitar. It is the first time I actually sang and played in a jamming session. It was fun! 

3:30pm-  Rested a bit on the boat before going to Honeymoon beach for Happy Hour. 4:00pm-  So many boaters showed up at Honeymoon beach. 

Everyone brought hors D’oeuvres. It was great meeting different people and talking about their own adventures. 

When we returned to the boat, there was no internet so we were not able to watch series. We did continue watching Black Sails on DVD.  Steve went to bed around 9:30 while I stayed up and did some painting until 11:00pm.  It started raining around 10:30pm. 

February 21, 2022
Woke up to a beautiful  sunrise although from our anchorage in George Town, it always comes up from behind the land. I am looking forward to when we can see it rise from the water. 
8:00am- Listened to the  Cruiser’s net  while having breakfast. 
9:00am- Steve made water while I painted. 
11:30am- Headed over to Chat N Chill area to locate a s/V named Fury to give him one inch chord strapping so he could repair the clew on his sail. He was very appreciative. We then went to Treasurers of the Bilge which is a boater’s garage sale. 
While we were there, Ruth Ann taught me how to basket weave and what palm fronds to use. Steve and I will have to go pick some. We crossed the bay afterwards and went for french fries and drinks at Island Boy while we waited for them to unload provisions from ship containers. Things always move in Bahamian time. SLOW.  We walked to Shop-rite, another grocery store, and we picked up other provisions. The only thing we never got was yogurt. Another day. 
We went swimming when we returned to the boat. Afterward I tried out the solar shower bag which Gunter gave us this morning since he had 2 of them. It worked out pretty good. Nice to know you  don’t always have to start the boat engine to get hot water. 

While Steve listened to music, I started making a basket with the palm fronds. 
6:00pm- We enjoyed the sunset and then had a wedge salad with chicken and grilled zucchini. 
Watched a few series before Steve went to bed at 10:00pm. I stayed up and worked on reorganizing my music books for a while. 

February 22, 2022
6:30pm-  Steve made coffee this morning and we ate early so we can go across the bay to see if the dairy truck came in before going to water aerobics. Unfortunately, it did not come this week so no yogurt or sliced cheese.  It was sure rough going across and Steve got wet. 
9:30- We went to water aerobics. We will miss it when we leave. 
11:00- While we were making water, I cut Steve’s hair. 
1:30pm-  I dropped Steve off at Chat n Chill to play volleyball while I went to Sand Dollar Beach to try out “Estatic Dancing” since there were not ukulele lessons. 
Ecstatic dance is a form of dance in which the dancers, sometimes without the need to follow specific steps, abandon themselves to the rhythm and move freely as the music takes them, leading to trance and a feeling of ecstasy.
There was quite a few people who attended. Nice to try something new. 
I picked up Steve on the way back to the boat. 
After we got to the boat, I worked on weaving my basket  with palm fronds. Not as easy as I thought but I am determined to make one. 
6:00pm-  Dinner tonight is meatloaf, potatoes, broccoli and salad. Watch the  sunset behind the clouds. The wind is picking up. 
9:30pm-  It started raining. 
Watched a couple of series before Steve went to bed. I worked on downloading some photos from my camera onto my computer until 11:30pm. 

February 23, 2022
Windy but beautiful morning. 
8:00am-  Listened to the Cruiser’s net while having our breakfast. 
9:30am- We went across the bay to the local basketball court. Fred from Shooting Star, set up their portable pickle ball net so we could play. 

Two other couples, Andrew, Hillary, Jeff and Krista came to play also. Steve and I had to borrow the rackets since we never brought ours. It was lots of fun. 
All 8 of us went for an early lunch however it ends up being late one since we are in Bahamian time.  Picked up a few groceries before we returned to the boat. After we put everything away, we went to Chat n Chill where Steve played volleyball. 
4:00pm- Came back to the boat as it started raining a bit. I worked on my basket weaving while Steve rested before dinner. 
5:00pm- Fresh bread came out of the oven and of course we sampled a piece. 
6:30pm- Had chicken stir fry for dinner.  
Watched a couple of series before Steve went to bed. I worked on downloading photos on my computer before I went to bed. 

February 24, 2022

Woke up to a beautiful sunrise. 
8:00am- Listened to the. Cruiser’s net while having our breakfast. 
9:30am-  went to water aerobics. Afterwards, Steve made water and I took a nice hot shower since we ran the engine for about an hour before class. 

1:00pm-  After lunch we went to play pickle ball with Ruth Ann, Fred, John and Joanne.  
2:30pm- Before going back to the boat, we picked up more provisions to stock up our boat before leaving George Town. Came back to the boat to make a cake and pizza for tomorrow.  Sshhhhh!  Even if it is Steve’s birthday on Sunday, we are going to celebrate it tomorrow. 

6:00pm-  was beautiful sunset. Dinner tonight is pork chops, broccoli and iceberg lettuce salad with a glass 

February 25, 2022
8:00am-  Listened to the cruiser’s net before crossing the bay to get fuel for our dinghy.

9:30am- Played pickle ball with John, Joanne, Hillary, Andrew, Ruth Ann and Fred. 

This local boy wanted to try and play. Introducing pickle ball to the Bahamian. 

Went to eat lunch afterwards with everyone and then went to do a few more groceries before heading back. 

2:00pm -  We went swimming to cool off and then I did some basket weaving until everyone comes on the boat late afternoon. 4:00pm- Gunter, Sue, Ruth Ann and Fred came over to celebrate Steve’s birthday which is actually on Sunday. 

Steve was pleasantly surprised by the generous gifts 

Ruth Ann and Jeff 

Gunter and Sue 

7:00pm-  When everyone was leaving, Gunter realized he couldn’t find his dinghy key so Fred towed them to their boat.

Watched a couple of series before going to bed. 

February 26, 2022
8:00am- Had our breakfast while listening to the Cruiser’s net.  

It sprinkled a bit and a rainbow appeared. 

9:30am- Went to our last water aerobic class since we will be heading out on Monday.  Took a nice hot shower when we returned. We had to say bye to Shooting Star since they left today. 

After lunch, we went across the bay to get our last provisions before leaving on Monday. 
After we did groceries, we went to a restaurant and had a beer. We took advantage of their fast wifi and downloaded all kinds of series since we know there is no cellular data where we are going. 
2:00pm- Did some painting while Steve read. 
We went to Sand Dollar beach with Gunter and Sue. Met and talk to a young couple. We brought some snacks and everyone went swimming except for me. 

For dinner tonight we are having sausages, potatoes, broccoli and spinach. 


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