
Showing posts from January, 2022

January 25 -31, 2022- George Town

January 25, 2022 6:30am-  Did my regular exercise routine before watching the gorgeous sunrise with Steve this morning.  Breakfast this morning was muffins, cantaloupe, strawberry, blueberries and of course coconut.  After breakfast, Steve and I went to feed the iguanas. This was a special place for me since he surprised me a couple of years ago when I turned 65 and brought me to this isolated islands where we fed the iguanas. ❤️ We spoke to Gunter and Sue after we came back and made the decision to go to Georgetown. We want to be settled before the next front comes thru. We plan on coming back here. So much to discover.  9:15-  Steve decided to put out 2 fishing rods today. He is determined to catch a fish.  9:30am- Big freighter coming from Georgetown went by.  11:30am-  Just going by Emerald Bay Marina. From a distance, you can see they have water sprinklers on their golf course. It is rare to see that in the Bahamas.  12:30pm- Well no matter how much we sang, danced or begged, we d

January 24, 2022- Lee Stocking Island

January 24, 2022 3:30am-  During the night, I heard it pouring but now the wind has picked up and it feels like we are going up and down waves and you hear the boat pouncing down. In fact, I heard Steve go out to check things out. I am always thankful for a good anchor.  It is weird because when you are in the boat it magnifies it even more. It sounds worse than what it really is. Back to bed.  7:00am-  It hasn’t calm down and the wind is coming from the West. With the current fighting the wind, it makes it bumpy. Now the decision to stay or go.  7:30am-  Fonished off our coconut bread by making French toast for breakfast.  8;30am- Thinking we were staying, I figure it was a good time to clean all the floors and reshuffle a few things.  10:00am- Decision has been made and the anchor goes up. Heading to Stocking Island where we may get more protection. As we were leaving, a plane was landing near us who were probably bringing guest for the week at David Copperfield’s resort.  10:30- Tim

January 23, 2022 - Rudder Cay

January 23, 2022 6:30am- Did my daily exercise routine and then we had coffee as we watched the sun rise behind the clouds.  It doesn’t take long before the cloud come in and it all disappears.  7:45am-  Coconut bread French toast for breakfast.  8:30am-Leaving Black Point and headed to Little Farmer’s Cay.  Everything feels wet because of high humidity and the sun hasn’t burned it off yet.  I noticed on our way, there are many places along the banks to anchor. You see on Navionics all the anchorages and protected areas.  10:30am-  As we arrived at Little Farmer’s Cay, we noticed there wasn’t much going on. Everything is shut down on Sunday for worship day Went thru Farmer’s cut and heading to Rudder’s Cay. Steve put out a fishing line. We could see lightning in the SW.  11:00am- Going by Musha Cay, we can see the buildings on the private island resort owned by the Illusionist David Copperfield. 6 years ago it was $39k per day with a minimum of 4 nights. I am sure prices have doubled. 

January 21 -22, 2022- Black Point

January 21, 2022 6:30am - Enjoyed the sunrise along with coffee and a healthy breakfast this morning before leaving Staniel Cay.  So nice to have fruit.  8:30am-- Anchors up and heading to Black Point.this morning.  10:20am- Arrived at Black Point.  11:00pm- Went for a walk in town to check things out and to get some exercise.  There is obviously a lot of poverty here judging from the homes and vehicles.  After walking 2 km, we turned around. We stopped at a local market and bought 4 potatoes for $5.  As we were passing the school, you could hear classes being taught.  12:45- Had lunch.  2:00pm-  While Steve dove in the water to check and clean the water line, I made a cold pasta dish. We are invited for dinner tonight at Gunter and Sue’s for hamburger.  5:00pm- Went to Gunter and Sue for dinner. The perfect night. So calm and no wind with a great meal. 7:00pm- After a wonderful meal, dinghied back to our boat. The star were spectacular.  Watched a movie before going to bed. Another be