December 26 & 27, 2021 - Still at FPCM

December 26, 2021
6:30am- Went for my morning walk and watched the sunrise. 

Footsteps in the sand. 

8:15- Bread making morning as I enjoyed kneading the dough on my new silicone pastry mat. 

11:00am- Sue and I went and did our last grocery shopping before we head out to the Bahamas while Steve helped Gunter fix his windless. 
1:00pm. Once we returned, the men went to West Marines while we unpacked our groceries. 

4:00pm- Bread is out of the oven. 

5:15pm- Sue and Gunter invited us for a wonderful meal. Chef “boy oh boy “ knows how to cook up a meal. 

It was a nice relaxing evening. 
9:00pm-  Watch a movie when we returned to the boat before going g to bed. 

December 27, 2021
2:30 AM -  I heard Steve wake up and walk around with a flashlight throughout the boat. Guess he didn’t want to wake me. 
Before we went to bed we would hear a periodical buzzing throughout the boat. I thought it was Steve getting messages on his phone and he thought visa versa. We ignored it and just went to bed. It kept sounding off and he was determined to find out what it was just in case it was something electrical. We spend over an hour trying to pin point where it was even coming from. He went outside to check around.  Unfortunately we didn’t figure it out yet.  Who knows. He will run the engine in the morning and see if it continues. 
6:45am. Went for my morning walk. 
9:00am-  We can still here that buzzing every once in a while. Steve ran the engine for awhile. 
He also checked the Navionic system to ensure everything is working before we leave tomorrow. 
Steve and Gunter went to Home a depot while I helped Sue fill in  the  on line form for the Bahamas cruising  permit. 
Steve and I dropped our truck at Riverside marina and covered her up for storage. Our vehicle will now become our dinghy.

 2:30pm-  Went for a coffee and pastry at Importixo  Pastry Cafe with Gunter and Sue. When we got back, Steve had a siesta while I started making the sun shade for the front dodger window. I had just enough material. I had to hand sew since I did not bring my sewing machine. 
6:20pm-  We barbecued hamburgers for dinner. Watched a movie before bedtime. We will have to get up early since we are leaving for West Palm Beach at 7am. 
By the way, we still have not figured out the periodical humming sound throughout the boat. Such a mystery. Who knows, it might be some sort of noisy fish under our boat since there are so many fish swimming around the boat. In fact, you hear them jumping out of the water and hitting our boat during the day. The is a young boy who spear fishes around our boat along the dock and catches dinner for his family. 


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